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HIGH-TECH TOOLS HELP HOMEOWNERS IMAGINE REAL WORLD POSSIBILITIES Pen on paper. It wasn’t that long ago when this was the only method designers used to help customers achieve their ...


PERFECTLY HUNG ART Nothing has greater wow power than perfectly hung artwork. Thoughtfully curated and expertly displayed art has the capacity to elevate a living space, taking it from humdrum ...


Lighten up with cooler colors and breezier décor Transforming your home from warm and cozy for the cooler months into light and airy for spring and summer doesn’t have to ...


Easy ways to decorate and organize this high-traffic area How many times have you bought tomato sauce at the store and returned home to find several cans of it taking ...

A Warm Welcome

PORCHES AND ENTRYWAYS BRINGING THE OLD AND NEW Your entryway is the drumroll to the experience of your home. It can be dingy and underwhelming at worst or hospitable and ...

The Countertop Challenge

CHOOSING THE RIGHT OPTION FOR YOUR SPACE With so many beautiful options available for countertops, choosing which one is right for your space can be challenging. Whether you select a ...

Art Deco | The ’20s Roar Again

What goes around comes around. Art Deco, short for Arts Décoratifs or Decorative Art, was an extremely popular interior design style during the 1920s and 1930s. A century later, the ...

Affordable Art | Transforming Ordinary into Extraordinary

Home décor shows abound with designers who are not only able to swing a hammer, but who can also whip up a painting, mural or macrame wall installation on command ...